Nice to imagine a software which can openly tease the entire hacking community, isn’t it? And such a software is now available courtesy of the
Open Kernel Labs which has named it “seL4”. It is basically a micro-kernel (or an Operating system kernel) which restricts access to your hardware based on preferences. The software identifies who is genuine and who is not; in technical terms which software is a malware and which is not.

seL4 has been mathematically proven to operate without glitches even after being implemented. Will it be able to stop malicious programs or not, time will be the best judge. But if it does succeed what I believe would be the start of another generation of anti-virus mechanism which would be far more advanced than what anti-virus can do today. It would become a secure platform for Banks and Stock markets to run without the fear of hacking and malware. However the technology might take time to become available for general use and till then we shall need to rely on our present anti-virus software only 
Aravind T..
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