Aravind T..
Here's a list that's sure to be a tongue twister. See how Happy New Year is pronounced around the world.
Arabic: Kul 'aam u antum salimoun
Brazilian: Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo means "Good Parties and Happy New Year"
Chinese: Chu Shen Tan
Czechoslavakia: Scastny Novy Rok
Dutch: Gullukkig Niuw Jaar
Finnish: Onnellista Uutta Vuotta
French: Bonne Annee
German: Prosit Neujahr
Greek: Eftecheezmaenos o Kaenooryos hronos
Hebrew: L'Shannah Tovah Tikatevu
Hindi: Niya Saa Moobaarak
Irish (Gaelic): Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italian: Buon Capodanno
Khmer: Sua Sdei tfnam tmei
Laotian: Sabai dee pee mai
Polish: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo
Russian: S Novim Godom
Serbo-Croatian: Scecna nova godina
Spanish: Feliz Ano Neuvo or Prospero Ano Nuevo
Turkish: Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Vietnamese: Cung-Chuc Tan-Xuan
Aravind T..
November 21, 2011 is the 39th annual World Hello Day. Anyone can participate in World Hello Day simply by greeting ten people. This demonstrates the importance of personal communication for preserving peace.
World Hello Day was begun in response to the conflict between Egypt and Israel in the Fall of 1973. Since then, World Hello Day has been observed by people in 180 countries.
People around the world use the occasion of World Hello Day as an opportunity to express their concern for world peace. Beginning with a simple greeting on World Hello Day, their activities send a message to leaders, encouraging them to use communication rather than force to settle conflicts.
So say 'Hello"
Aravind T..
You changed my world with a blink of an eye
That is something that I can not deny
You put my soul from worst to best
That is why I treasure you my dearest Marites
You just don't know what you have done for me
You even pushed me to the best that I can be
You really are an angel sent from above
To take care of me and shower with love
When I'm with you I will not cry even a single a tear
And your touch have chased away all of my fear
You have given me a life that I could live worthwhile
It is even better everytime you smile
It so magical those things you've made
To bring back my faith that almost fade
Now my life is a dream come true
It all began when I was loved by you
Now I have found what I am looking for
It's you and your love and nothing more
Co'z you have given me this feeling of contentment
In my life something I've never felt
I wish I could talk 'til the end of life
But now I'm running out of things to say
So I'll end by the line you already know
"I LOVE YOU" more than what I could show..
Aravind T..
Valentines Day, New Year, Friendship Day. Every1 celebrates n msgs b4 10 days regarding that, But independence day there is no advance msg from anyone, let us celebrate the independence day at least from now .
This is our 64'th Independence Day!Freedom is not a Right but a Feeling!Let's be proud to feel the Freedom!Let's say loud we are INDIANS!!!
It takes only a few simple steps to easily green your daily routine and make good eco behavior into a habit! Green is forest friendly!
Act now.
Adopt as many eco-friendly lifestyle choices as you can and make them habits for WED!
Add it up. Our impact is exponential when the global chorus sings together.
Buy FSC certified products and decrease the trade of exotic wood from endangered forests.
Bring a cloth bag to do all you’re shopping. But not just for groceries, even on your trips to the mall. A sturdy, reusable bag will last for years, and only needs to be used 5 times to have a lower environmental impact than a plastic bag.
Bring a mug with you whenever you go for take-out beverages, so you avoid using paper cups.
Most paper cups are made in a way that makes it more difficult for them to degrade, and in some ways more hazardous to the planet than the plastic cup – so why not just bring your own mug for your favorite beverage?
Consume locally. You will help reduce the demand for cutting down forests in foreign countries to meet export demands.
Choose public transport.
Compost your organic food waste.
Conserve energy. Turn off the lights to brighten our environment.
Create a greenspace wherever you can from the car you drive to the building you live in.
Don’t run the water when brushing your teeth. You will save as much as 3 gallons every time! Only 2, 5% of the world’s water is drinkable.
Discover an alternative to using traditional wrapping paper for holidays and birthday gifts.
Engage in an environmental activity like school or neighborhood beautification or tree planting.
Eat organic and locally grown foods and help reduce the clearing of forests for agricultural land.
Educate your friends on how individual actions can have an exponential impact and motivate action for WED.
Find an unusual insect in your garden. Fewer than 10% of the world’s described species have been assessed to determine their conservation status.
Form a group of peers or colleagues to oversee the greening of your school, neighborhood or workplace with recycling, car pooling, or energy-efficiency.
Form a tree-planting group with family and friends and commit to planting and maintaining these trees together.
Green your office: print double-sided, turn off monitors, start an office recycling program.
Grow an organic garden and your own delicious food.
Give memberships to an environmental organization or seedlings as birthday gifts.
Go electronic for bills and payments: at home, in the office, at the bank etc.
Host a World Environment Day celebration. Clean up your neighborhood, carpool with friends, have a vegan (no animal products) dinner party! And don’t forget to register your activity on the WED website!
Identify the nature that surrounds you – take note of the beautiful plants and animals that you may not always appreciate. Learn about the amazing ecosystem services they provide.
Improve the insulation of your home – it will really help your energy consumption…and your monthly bills!
Join a local environmental or conservation group. You can team up with those around you and make a real difference for your community.
Jog outside and save the energy you would have used on the treadmill!
Kick the habit! Don’t print unless it’s absolutely necessary. And when you do print – always print double-sided!
Keep your cup! When traveling on airplanes, ask to reuse your plastic cup.
Learn more about India, this year’s host country.
Mobilize your networks! Message your friends about WED – facebook, twitter, orkut, SMS, text, phone, email – it doesn’t matter how, just get the word out!
Nominate a WED Hero from your world. Notify us about the great environmental work they’re doing and why they should be a WED Hero.
Optimize the use of your washing machine – use the cold-wash option and significantly save energy and reduce your daily carbon emissions.
Offset your travel whenever possible – most airlines provide an option to offset your travel when you book your tickets.
Opt for public transport whenever possible.
Plant a tree this year!
This is the International Year of Forests so why not celebrate by planting a tree with friends or family.
Pile up! Lay the grounds for a compost pile and start sorting your garbage.
Quantify how much money you could save each cold winter if you lowered the temperature inside your home by 2 degrees Celsius. It could reduce your energy consumption by 14 percent!!!
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
Register a WED activity at www.unep.org/wed!
Sacrifice something small each month – eat locally grown vegetables instead of imported vegetables; do without steak as cattle ranching is high impact!; carpool with co-workers; take your bike to work etc.
Support and motivate companies that use certified materials and operate in ways that are environmentally responsible.
Switch your lightbulbs to energy-efficient LED’s. You will see substantial savings on energy bills!
Think! How green is your daily routine? Just by making a few small changes, like remembering to turn off the lights, turning down the heat, stop running the water while you brush your teeth - you could cut your daily emissions by more than 60 per cent.
Think again! Before you toss, consider if the item can be reused or recycled?
Think outside of the bottle! Bottled water costs 1900 times more than tap water.
Use your common sense!
Understand your options. Learn about the small ways you, as an individual, can make a positive impact on the environment.
Use rainwater for your indoor plants – they love it, and you’ll save water at the same time.
Visit the WED website regularly and see how you can get involved! Book mark website, subscribe to RSS, Twitter or facebook.
Whenever you feel like buying books, magazines, or newspapers go to your local library or borrow from friends and neighbors.
X-plore! Get out into the forest and enjoy what our planet has to offer.
You can make a difference – individual actions, when multiplied, can make an exponential difference to the planet!
Zip around town on your bike, on public transport, or your own two feet.
Avoid your car whenever possible – it’s cheaper!
Aravind T..
God created mother coz
He can’t be present everywhere…
But I feel god made mother coz,
He can’t fill that place…
never have I learnt anything
than in her cradle
never I felt any love,
than in her cuddle…
the stairway to heaven in her mothers lap
the doorway of love is in her eyes
safer were the days
where I clasp her hands and stroll…
friends stands nowhere in sharing,
even god lags in wen it comes abt caring…
its mother..
a day might come where
friendship may fade away
love may droop off
wen u turn back, she will be there
wit arms open to say
come my dear!
the only heart which will luv u
even if u hate,
da only being in this world,
which takes all da pain, for ur gain…
u cry, she will cry,
u laugh, she laughs,
u love, she loves
u hate, still she loves…
ma, hold my hands
coz.. if i hold, ya chances r there, dat I might loose u,
but by all means I know,
by no means u will loose me…
the beauty that an angel envy,
the smile that all da flowers in world cant,
her words which hems in all meaning…
Aravind T..
Problems are only Problems when we define them as such. They are really learning events. As the saying goes...If it doesn't kill you , then it can only make you stronger. Whenever we encounter a problem we should try to look at it indifferently. No matter how bad it may be, know for sure that 99% of Problems are solvable. When setting goals or designing a house, a blue print, a plan is needed. The same applies to Problems. We need a plan.
Following are 7 ways to get out of almost any situation:
1. Accept full responsibility for the problem- accepting full responsibility for the problem is the first sign of making sure the problem gets solved. Do not blame people, events or circumstances for your situation..One way or another , your choices in life have brought you to this point. Seek to own the problem.
2. Define the problem exactly---Ask yourself: What is the problem exactly? How did it happen?Get the facts! Seek to state your problem in your own words. It helps to provide more clarity on the situation. Also ask, what else is the problem? You'll be surprised to know that what you initially thought was the problem, was in truth something very different.
3. Next ask yourself: what is the worst possible thing that could happen if this problem is not solved? Then proceed to accept the worst. Be prepared to cut your losses. It will calm your mind in such a way that you wont believe!
4. Now with a calmer mind ask yourself: What are the possible solutions to this problem? Make a list! Brainstorm! Evaluate all the possible solutions. You'll be surprised at all the answers that will come to you.
5. Choose the best solution. Then seek to take action immediately. You dont have to get it right , you just have to get it going. Be prepared to accept alternative solutions.
6. Turn over your problem to your higher power. Before you go to bed at night or before a meditation session, turn your problems over to God, the Universe, Divine intelligence or whatever you label your higher power. You'll be surprised at how many new insights you receive, especially in the morning when you wake up.
7. Every Solution has a Problem. Focus on the endresults. Focus on what you desire to achieve and not on what you don't want. Your thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions create your reality. Make sure that you are always thinking of the solution. As long as your goal is clear, those problems will vanish in thin air. Persist until you succeed!
Remember .....Its just a learning event!
Stop chasing Freedom......Attract it!
The tips and suggestions given below are deep research and collection of author for the last 30 years in this field. They are most authentic and tested in most of the cases. The suggestions given here can be adopted in your life without any doubt as they don't have any side effect and based on the laws of nature. |
Food supplements & general tonics
Exercise & Yoga
Mind, Temperament and way of living
| |
seL4 has been mathematically proven to operate without glitches even after being implemented. Will it be able to stop malicious programs or not, time will be the best judge. But if it does succeed what I believe would be the start of another generation of anti-virus mechanism which would be far more advanced than what anti-virus can do today. It would become a secure platform for Banks and Stock markets to run without the fear of hacking and malware. However the technology might take time to become available for general use and till then we shall need to rely on our present anti-virus software only
Aravind T..